
fredag 25 november 2011

My Ghost Story

It was a dark night. I woke up in the middle of the night, I thought I heard a ghost in the kitchen. I went down  the stairs and looked in the kitchen.  The kitchen was dark and I feIt afraid I thought there was someone there, I don’t know who it was. Because my mom and dad were not at home I felt really lonely and scared. The ghost scared me. I ran up to my room and went under my bed. I didn´t  know what I could do. I thought I should call the police right then. I went down again and looked after the ghost. He was not there. I got scared again and tried to turn on the light. But the lamp was gone I could not find them. I went up to my bed again I was scared and afraid, and tried to sleep. 

When I woke up in the morning there was blood on the table and on the floor. I was sceard again. But now it was sunny in the sky. My parents should come home today. I was happy for that. When I was going to the toilette there was a bloody women there. I scream out loud. I called the police and they came right away. My parents came home and they kissed me on my cheek. Next night the ghost came back. I ran to my parents room and sleept there. In the morning I went to the toilette and when I came in there I saw my dad he was dead. I screamed out loud again. My mom came to me and she screamed too. We called the police again. 

Next week we moved  to the city. When the night came there I never saw a ghost again I was so happy for that.
Now it has gone a year. And I have forgotten about  the ghost. When I went to my room I saw the ghost again. He said something to me. He said that he would kill me when the clock was 00:00 I became so astonished. My mom came to my room and she saw the ghost too. We called the police and the police came. The police said to us that they never have seen this before and they were also scared. 
The night came back  and I was awake. When the morning came back I went to my parents’ room and saw that my mom was dead. I called the police again and they came. My mom and dad were dead. The night came back again, and I was so scared. I was so afraid I could not sleep. I did not even know if I wanted to live anymore because my mom and dad were dead. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. Now staves inte no, tyckte du skulle veta

  2. You have written a story with no clear end to it and this creates a feeling in me as a reader. The text is full of details on how the maincharacter feels in all this ghost like environment and this makes your story spooky.

  3. Mål: Mitt mål var att skriva längre på engelska ön vad ja brukar.
    Detta är ja nöjd med: Att den blev rätt så bra och att ja inte gjorde så många fel.
    Så här vill ja jobba vidare: Att skriva lite längre och att komma på lite fler engelska ord sj.
